Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's that time

So as most of you, have experienced that magical time of the month, where you are tried and cranky and bloated......Yeah that's right I am talking about menstruation.
So why am i talking about this you ask.........
Well tonight I was sitting down and in comes my amazing husband.............who has just clean the house and he says to me,
"how are you"
I say" I am low today"
He says "well look at it this way, your period is almost done."
I look up and reply...................."RUN"
he starts to stammer on his words......."uh ah i mean uh "
I say " RUN" again and again.......................this makes us both laugh! LOTS
Oh how i love this man and all the joy that he brings to my life.


  1. HAHAHAHAH!!!! Ah, i can just see you saying that. I love you!

  2. I love you Tash! You make me smile lots!
    I heart you sister!
