Because I Have been Given Much.
For a while now I have been thinking about starting a blog, but about what? What do I Natasha have to add to the world that is not out there.................ME that is what I have to offer, for so long I have been following others blogs and enjoy them so very much and feel like I want to add my two cents.
So here I go, follow me on this journey it is bound to be a good one!
read about Family who has lost there baby, I cried AND CRIED.
Then I thought I need to be WAY more thankful for my life and the blessings that I have, so if nothing else goes right i know that I will always have my blessings whatever they will be for that day I have what the Lord has set out for me.
So I reflect, today with a heavy HEART,
I am so thankful for My husband, he is an amazing man and the Love of my Life.
My children give me strength and teach me patience EVERY day
My son is so sweet and my daughter is the notes in my song. Oh how I love My family
I am grateful for a Mother who taught me STRENGTH and to rely on the Lord, my sisters who are always there and all have so many talents and gifts, they teach me to love more deeply everyday. My In laws whom I LOVE! My sister in laws and brother inlaws, But more importantly My husbands Parents who have taught me accptance love and tollerance,I ADORE YOU!
To say that i am Blessed is an understatement!